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Sunday, November 07, 2004


Random, Meaningless Post #2

I'm indulging myself too much nowadays... i'm still using my pc extravagantly, still playing games, and i find myself now fantasizing bout the end of exams and what i'm gonna do then. i must stop this... i will not get complacent... bio's going a li'l behind schedule now even though it's already more than what i've planned. hopefully i'd still finish studying early enuf to do a paper or two.

and then there's the crucial one week. i've found myself lamenting a lot bout how i'm gonna prevent my self from taking it too easy. there's the crucial geog paper and i need to clear quite a lot of concepts and learn how to ans certain qns for physics. also cannot allow my a maths and chem to get rusty... grrr... the one week's vital for the studying of geog but somehow i fret i'm never gonna get it done. i'm gonna tell myself i still have time but end up having to rush and press the panic button. i definitely need to get back on track and find motivation fast.

went to yio chu kang/amk for a haircut and then proceeded to the library today, meeting zhi liang there. so we studied together and i realised one thing. studying with friends make it much, much easier to clock more hours. however, u spend quite some time talking and stuff, resulting in decreased efficiency... now wondering how i should study for the remaining days. i've struggled to study for more than an hour or two along the past few days so maybe being with friends will help improve that, but should i go with that at the cost of productivity? hmm... anyway, will go jurong tml to visit jeffrey so would make my decisions on tues.

and on another thing, saw a notice outside the cafe at amk saying they are looking to hire. interesting... i was initially keen to work at the cafe at woodlands part time during the holidays but now with jeff at jurong, it's gonna be much harder to pop the qn to him whether there are any vacancies there. if they do not, should i go work at amk? i think it'd be kinda weird since i know nobody there and i'm not an outgoing person who makes friends easily (sigh... two of the requirements was outgoing and positive attitude which neither i possessed). maybe i should start thinking bout that after the exams. terence keeps reminding me when i detract during conversations to talk bout plans after that, so guess i should heed his advice. and yet another dilemma is whether i should even go to work at all. on one hand, it will help finance my hefty gaming and gadget bills (ipod is a certain if i can work for a mnth) but at the same time it would mean much, much less time to game and socialise with friends (i find it so weird that this is coming from me...) bah, i'm gonna put that to one side until later...

PS. Looks like this is the second time i've made no real point... pardon me...

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