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Thursday, November 11, 2004


Language, Religion

Decided to take a break from all the studies today, so juz hoping that i'd have enough time to complete geog in the next few days. nothing much to do (i will only get fm 2005 on the 19th... grr...) so started reading some of my previous posts and i realised that many a times, i have failed to convey the message that i intended. somehow the choice of words were wrong, the phrasing ain't correct and not many entries truly reflected what i was thinking at that time. and that is the wonder of english, languages and our minds. as many synonyms as there are for one word, almost all of them have that slightly different meaning and using an incorrect word in a situation often dilute the essence of the passage, etc. i've always marvelled at how we can put our thoughts into words where we pick those words out of our vocabulary to relay a certain message. tried to improve my choice of words many times by checking dictionaries more often and reading widely but somehow i dun seem to be making gd enough progress, or at least not in my blogs.

and yet another thing that puzzles me is how we think, or even life in itself. if i didn't have such low determination or at least show more devotion to my passions i would want to be a scientist. i want to know what exactly causes our brains to work and how it does so many wonderful things. and if i can achieve that, i want to go on and discover what exactly life is. why is it that these elements, compounds and mixtures (that is if chemists are right and everything are made of them) work together, combining themselves to form what we call cells. surely something is at work here to bring bout life? why does everything seem so perfect, with organisms in the ecosystems all interrelated. what are our purpose here?


i like to think of life as a game superior beings play. its kinda like the sims mixed with a typical fantasy rpg. when a god decides to enter the playing field, they go out and create their own 'race' (or species as we call them), grant them certain abilities. however, the better you want them to be the more flaws you have to give them. and then, there's one god (used in a very loose term, mind you, for those religious people out there) who created human. he wanted to dominate, and hence granted us more intelligence than most other orgainisms. however, because of this, he lost control over his pawns and cannot control them as much as others. on the other hand, other gods had different plans. one god in particular, and one i will admire if all this is reality created viruses. there's no need to live cos the aim of the whole game is to dominate the world. and since domination means getting rid of other organisms as well, why don't we pack everything into minute cells who will only replicate when they infect others. in terms of intelligence, i believe viruses are cleverer than supposedly higher beings like us. how else to you explain the fact that us humans have conquered most things but viruses, with new strains coming up every now and then have managed to baffled us all. we use them in biotechnology but in the meantime open doors to them in terms of creating new types. but i digress.

with whatever little knowledge and information i have, my purpose in life is to just enjoy myself and i would not stop short at anything as long as i do not destroy other people's search for happiness in the process. however, there's this thing known as pain, sadness, guilt and so many more things that's slowing this down. i want to blame someone, so i philosophise that these are put into us by that very god who wanted to ensure that we do not stray from our ultimate motive with our newfound intelligence. scientists often enthuse about how wonderful the human body is, using pain to alert us to dangers and with homeostasis and other processes keeping our whole body fine. but i have always regarded pain as that tool which is used to control us. if i had my way, i'd abolish pain. maybe i'd die when i accidentally put my hand on the boiling kettle and burn my whole body but if i don't feel it and just die like that, why not? and i'm even skeptical bout such beautiful things like love, which in this 'Great Game' (i've even invented a name for it, albeit unoriginal) is yet another tool to impel us to mate and reproduce to dominate the whole world. if not for that extra intelligence god gave us, they would be no contraception and birth control methods, and in this sense it's really like an RPG (as i've mentioned earlier, to make something more powerful you have to giev it more weaknesses).

Maybe i ought to spread my philosophy of life and form a totally new religion and start accusing disbelivers of sinning before declare a holy war on everyone to rule the world. (/end sarcasm) i'm terribly sorry if i offended any religious person but that's me and i've never believed in religion. one particular thing i detest is how some religions regard disbelieving as a sin. maybe i'm juz trying to defend myself if there is indeed god so i try to find every little fault in them, but if god is truly the perfect epitome of everything good most religions make him out to be, then why is he still unfair in not treating everyone equally. if he regards us non-believers as sinners than isn't that a little bit selfish and self-centered, qualities a god if there truly is one should not have.

sometimes i really fear for life after death and i pray everyday to the stars and the moons that my life will come to a full stop after i die. let me fall into an eternal slumber where i find bliss and satisfaction, knowing that nothing really matter anyway. i have kinda loathed other religions when they try to convince others to joing them (again i don't want to offend anyone but sometimes i hope those churches especially would stop trying so hard). i think i've been asked countless of times by christian strangers in the public what religion i believe in and see their eyes sparkle when i say i'm a free thinker and try all they can to get me to go to their church. maybe next time i should tell them straight in the face that i'm a secular humanist but then again, most secular humanists are darwinians and i'm not.

buddhists vs muslims in thailand, catholics vs protestants (and to think their religions are so similar and they still fight), radical islam vs the rest of the world, even democracy vs communism and democrats vs republicans (they ain't religion but i've always regarded ideology as nothing different from them. essentially they are all beliefs of different people). so many conflicts have happened due to religion, so will someone please stop everything. maybe the world would be a safer place if there were no religion, or will the gods please appear somehow and tell their followers to end all this. i'm sick of seeing all these conflict happen because of these meagre differences in beliefs...

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