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Saturday, November 06, 2004



I can't believe that jeffrey's involved in the staff rotation at the library cafes as well... found it a bit weird two days ago when only eileen and the aunty cook was there with two new staff members, and how that upper-management woman was there for two consecutive days (jeff always seem so stressed when those management pple are there), so finally asked eileen today and it's confirmed... jeff's at jurong now, so guess i'd be going there on monday to pay him a visit.

how sad... now woodlands library had lost the sense of 'homeliness' without jeff. now i understand how emily feels. i couldn't study more than 2h these few days cos i couldn't help but think if jeff is transfered... the new staff members are polite and all, but they will never be the same as jeff, doreen and nura. sigh. eileen is the newest of all the staff originally there, so i dun know her well at all except for the fact that she knows what i wanna order. and sometimes i feel that she's trying a li'l too hard to give the customer service that she seems too formal and courteous. juz like today when i asked bout jeff she seemed like she held back and tried to attend to my order again... maybe i'd make jurong library my studying spot now.

kinda regret not going woodlands library more often nowadays. quite a long time back i remember jeff asking me bout when my exams will end and he'd no longer see me at the cafe, but i promised him that i'd still be a regular there after the exams juz to enjoy his coffee. however, i 've not been going there regularly after the prelims cos i've been studying with my friends and the library's been chasing pple out at times...

it's so ironic that i frenquented the cafe less cos i wanna be with my friends more before we part, but now, i seem to have neglected jeff's frenship as well. sure, we only talk over the counter for a few minutes every day then, but that happened for bout 2 mnths so u can't deny the bonds built. sometimes i really admire jeff cos he seems so natural talking to others. i'm a black sheep for libra with a small social circle and i make friends really slowly cos i see a distinct difference between a friend and someone i juz happen to know by name and have exchanged a few greetings. a lot of time, i dun go that extra step to make new friends cos i'm shy, afraid or watsoever, so for jeff to turn out to be a fren is a very rare thing.

i still remember our first conversation bout how i drink coffee everyday; the time i spotted him in those cool sunglasses and jacket when he's off shift and how i mocked him for that. i still remember how surprised i was to see nura with her hair down and that biker's outfit and helmet; eileen's first day at work and how jeff explained the stuff to her; the times jeff was playing tricks on those li'l kids and that grin on his face; those times he would give me that evil, inviting look, tempting me to buy more things from the cafe and wasting hundreds of dollars on them... i've forged memories there with him and co. our relationship's still only limited to those chats over the counter but somehow, i felt a sense of belonging to woodlands cos of him. as if the grad thing wasn't sad enuf now he's so much further off and it'd be so much harder for me to enjoy his coffee... now i can't have him 'concoct' some super strong coffee for the afternoon chem paper to keep me alert cos it's juz too far...

maybe i'm making too much of this? maybe i'm juz one of the many customers of his? i dunno, but as far as i'm concerned, his customer service is the best in the world. i'd interested to see how he is at jurong on monday. is nura and doreen with him? sigh, if only at least one of those three were still at woodlands i'd still sth to talk with the staff... or maybe if they were transferred to amk or somewhere more accessible...

to end off on a better note, i've made some progress with my bio and i think i might even finish studying the info on time to do some practice papers/tys. also, the end of the exams is inching closer and closer every day and i can't wait for the activities after that. i'm planning to be real irritating and visit friends uninvited then. and i can't wait for the chalets, where i'd have so much to do. moreover, the e7 chalet might also finally be out of that standstill as shaun has said he'd ask his parents bout it. i really want to meet up and hang out with those friends too... Till then, i'd be patiently awaiting for the exams to end...

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