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Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Further Ramblings on the Exams

I felt that today's SS was pretty gd, so it's now in the hands of the markers to decide if they feel the same way. So glad i managed to get the three themes that will be tested spot on and except for the conflict qn, they were all pretty standard. I was actually grinning away when i found out bout that after they asked us to check our papers. And the decontextualised case study was kinda expected as well. Juz too bad my last qn was rather poorly done (reliability or usefulness?) and the comparison of tone was kinda shaky, but i'm still satisfied with the exams so far.

now for the big one tml. After failing to do extra compos despite promising myself so many times, i failed again to do it today. Started writing the guided halfway before i juz couldn't concentrate and had to stop. Grr... I need my english to do well, so why can't i put in the effort. Still, i'd be hoping for things to turn well again. my prob seem to be mainly on the need to use more examples in expo to illustrate my points so am wishing the expo topic to be something i have in depth knowledge of.

sigh, my blog's turning so bland and dull with all these talk bout exams. but still, i can't think of anything to talk bout... hmm...

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