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Wednesday, November 10, 2004



BIO WAS SPLEDID, BIO WAS FUN! (lol hearing myself say that) at least i thoroughly enjoyed what should probably be the last time i touch bio. my mcq was a li'l horrible (at least it's not cos of my careless mistake) but i enjoyed doing the qns. hopefully mr yeo's supposedly bonus marks are true and i'd be awarded some of them. figured out i should write a lot of useless stuff that we are not supposed to know to gain those marks. so surprised i actually wrote as much as i did for my ss. the things juz kept flowing. sure, most of them were pretty much made up but never once during the paper 2 did i feel underprepared.

was a little surprised when other people thought it was a tough paper considering the fact that i liked it even though i didn't study much. the eye qn was weird alrite but somehow i juz accepted the graph as an exception from the norm and treated the five mark qn as 'what leads to the pupil diameter decreasing' instead of pondering over how the pupil diameter will increase with more light intensity. meanwhile, for the albino qn, while others generally talked bout the total internal reflection, i remembered the skin chapter talking bout how the skin pigment protected us from uv rays so my answer was bout how the uv rays will reach them and the albino will develop eye cataract. if only the drug question wasn't there where i totally did not know anything from it, i'd be extremely pleased with my paper.

maybe it's cos of the rock-bottom expectations i had that i actually enjoyed it. spent the 40min drawing villi, leaf and other diagrams during paper one and was quite impressed with what i managed to remember. next for paper two i managed to finish section a in 30min so all the bonus stuff came out in order to try impress the examiner to get those bonus marks.

i can't believe how much i loved this bio paper. maybe if they dun do disections in a level bio i might actually consider taking it now. i have no qualms with killing, but opening other people up is an absolute no-no for me. moreover, i find it terribly hideous and disgusting looking at animals' internal organs. when people tell me how scary a horror movie was i always tell them to go watch a health documentary. i feel that they are the scariest and most nightmare inducing programmes ever. juz how can those 'cowards' who are scream at the sight of fake ghosts in movies stand seeing people down with horrible, horrible diseases, with terribly mutated features and being operated on, etc i dun understand. guess i'm the big, big coward here. my few seconds of seeing how the rats were dissected during science week still kinda haunt me when i think bout it.

now on something else, i have no freaking idea how to handle this blogger programme. why can't they let us tamper with the source code so that at least i can get what i wanna do with whatever html and php codes i remember. i want to see more than the template! frustrated me so much that i actually went and edit phpnuke slightly and was ready to set up a modified blog until i realised that hosting anime to longer supports ftp for free web hosting. sigh... a yr ago i was searching for a free webhost which supports php and i finally found it but now i can't use it cos uploading through their program juz totally sucks. now i have to stick to blogger for now... maybe i should start paying for stuff, but guess i'm too cheapskate for that. maybe i shoulda spent that hour or so studying bio and i might have even enjoy it further...

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