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Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Arcade, Ipod, Friends & English

i can't believe i actually went to the arcade today during the o levels... and i can't believe how lik and zl dun find this idea kinda weird. it's one thing to not stress urself out but seemingly another to go to the arcade. in the end, the photo hunt was pretty fun but now i gotta get back. didn't do much today cos i only have one e maths paper 1 left but realised how careless i still can be. i thought i'd corrected that prob a li'l by doing the tys some time back but it's now back to haunt me. for the maths exams to come, i need to be really, really careful and i should do it. after all, i need both of the maths to take f maths during jc.

and the conversation bout ipod with emily, lik and zl made me even more enticed to get one. did a check on it and looks like apple had pulled the plug on the 15gb version. gosh... now i gotta pay 550 for the 20gb version if i wanna get one... sigh... but i shouldn't be thinking bout this now... it's the o levels. i need to get over with this by producing my best for every paper. i have worked hard, so no point letting all of the effort go to waste.

but going to the arcade made me think more bout friends and the coming chalet. remembered the last chalet too, and started reminiscing all those fond memories of yesterday with my friends. those thoughts of leaving soon came back... dun wanna talk too much bout it in case i get too emotional and sentimental (or in ash's words, i'm gonna cry, AGAIN) so i juz gotta wait till the exams are over. so before then, i must juz try to keep myself in best condition to produce my top form during the Os. no point trying to cram in new things now. hopefully i've learnt enuf to get through this hurdle without too much hitch.

eng wasn't that well done today. i didn't give off my best for the compo and what i thought was a gd guided would be penalised for the format. compre was alrite but summary was shaky. i guess that might mean the a1 hope might be gone, but i dun think i should slip from a a2 or b3 with this performance. still, there's always hope, the reason why humans are still in existence. May this exams end soon

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