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Saturday, November 27, 2004



I dunno how to start this exactly, cause of all these thoughts going through my mind. guess i'd go by chronological order than.

first things first, chalet was on from wed to fri. as much as i wanted to hang out with the guys at the chalet i was initially a li'l skeptical cos i have no idea what i'm gonna do there and i was fretting that everyone will just break up into their own groups. so i went with the aim to get as many people to stick together as one big group as possible. and after this i think i can say that the chalet was a success (but more on that later)...

it was fun being with everyone, talking and doing stuff together but i won't bother with the details i guess. it's just a li'l pity that i couldn't get yanda and yuen yean into the thing and i feel kinda bad for them. back in sec 2 i still know both of them pretty well i guess but i couldn't seem to find any topic to talk with them now. i tried to make them feel welcome, tried to get them into the thick of things, but i couldn't do anything. and i think i sounded a li'l fake then as well. grr, i can't seem to phrase what i want to say now...

so the chalet went on, we had fun, enjoyed ourselves and soon it had to come to an end. i was still feeling alrite at the start of the day, partly cos i dun have much happy memories (if any) in the first two yrs of secondary sch life and i dun know many people in the class well at all. we got together, learned more bout one another and i was happy with that, or so i thought. so we went on and ate at bedok, and ash's expression really got me. suddenly the whiffs of emotions choked me and i started yearning for more time with these bunch of people.

moreover, there was this hokkien song playing in the background then. i dun understand anything from the lyrics, but from the way it was sang it really felt like a song bout separation. at that moment i really didn't want to leave. but sadly, people slowly went away one by one, and i feel kinda sad to think that that will probably be the last time i see them.

and ash was there again, seemingly brooding over it with that pained expression and i couldn't help but feel immensely sad at that point. i tried to cheer things up but pessimists can never do this kind of thing and i think i failed miserably. but then yinghui started with a bout of optimism and again, feeling surged through me. i still remember those times in sec 1 and 2 where yinghui's dreamy optimistic thoughts kinda ??? me. (what is the verb i wanna use? i can't find any word in my vocab for it) memories came again...

i'm not making much sense now cos i just cannot find suitable words to use to describe this. anyway, we soon left. i was the only one taking a bus at the interchange so now it's my turn to part. will that be our final gdbye i wonder... i said at the chalet somehow, someday, someone might just do something sometime and the bunch of us might get together again. but i wonder. on one hand i would like another chalet like this and wouldn't mind planning but on the other hand i'm afraid we would soon have different priorities come next yr of some other time and we'd not be able to find enough people free at the same time. this yr i put the chalets as the top priority during my holidays and told my parents firmly that i'd even skip vacations to just attend them. but i can't say for sure next year. sure, i, or probably everyone will say that they want another chalet next year and would set time aside for it but things change with time and i can't help but think this mindset will as well...

as again, i don't have many pleasant memories of sec 1 and 2 but i'd still miss the people in the class. actually, we're (or they're) a bunch of wonderful guys so why did our class turn out like this... curse zhang, but it's no use blaming people. we don't have the time to make up for this so let's just cherish the moments we had together. so to ash, terence, jian hao, hongyi, marcus, yi qin, avril, sook lee, emmalyn, yao yu, william, xinyu, yinghui, shaun, rachel, weiqi : THANK YOU for the two/three days (i hope i didn't miss anyone). i still can't bring myself to say i love 2e7 (as in the class) but i love the people there... i don't want to forget these memories, so may they live in our dreams forever. maybe fate will be kinda to us and let us get together one day, and may all of us still savour our time together then.

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