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Wednesday, October 20, 2004


A Tribute to the Teachers

I find myself trying to spend as much time with my friends as i can nowadays. so much so that i might be neglecting my studies a li'l, but i wanna cherish watever time we have together. sigh... we're gonna be separated soon... and sook lee's photo rampage today reminded me even more of how close we r be4 we leave. maybe i'm gonna do the same for the chalets (hopefully the e7 one will still make it), but beneath all those smiles in the pictures, fake or otherwise, we cannot deny the sadness that things are gonna change.

and it didn't strike me that a lot of teachers had their last lesson with us already until ms tan gave us the cards. except for mr yeo and ms ten, we'd no longer have the teachers' lessons anymore. no more jokes, no more learning together, no more... wanna thank all the teachers 4 those wonderful memories...

i was initially skeptical bout ms chan's teaching in sec 3, but she started becoming better imo and i've learned quite some things from her. and as our form teacher, she's done a decent job and as much as i always mock her by using her pet phrases... at the end of the day, the onus is on us to work hard, yada yada. she had been a gd teacher, and i luv her 4 that.

next, i would like to thank ms tan. again, i was totally unconvinced by her teaching at first, but soon grew used to it and learned how to learn on my own. but what have impressed me was her teaching attitude (unless she's on one of those moody days). we gave fake laughs when she tried to make lessons fun by saying some jokes, i did less than a third of the total hw she gave us and everything, but it feels gd when a teacher tries to understand ur problems. dunno how to describe it, but i felt gd when she told us we could slow down on some of the maths papers if other subjects' workload were piling up, and i was kinda motivated when she tried to encourage us in our small groups during peer tutoring... THANK YOU MISS TAN. if i ever become a teacher, then credit will go to you (though i guess my students will hate her for that)

then we have miss ten. it's a pity she was in thailand for so long cos we could have forged so much more memories if she stayed. still, i'd never forget the debate preparations when she decided to let her hair down and be more informal with us, cracking all those wise, sarcastic jokes. i'd never forget how she loves to scorn eric and hit him back whenever he tries argue sth... i wanna try my best for english, and i must credit some of my motivation to her. at least we'd hear 'first things first' for one last time on friday, so hope that lesson will end with a bang.

and huang lao shi's impact is pretty great. i have never liked chinese, and sec 1 and 2 didn't do anything to help that. so i entered express chinese in sec 3 thinking of juz scrapping through with a c6 in the o levels. but lo and behold, huang lao shi has managed to actually make chinese pretty fun. i remember those days where chinese were the last period and i left the classroom after sch with this sweet feeling inside thinking how interesting chinese can be. and though i didn't get a 1 the first time round, i think i'd be working hard to try get it this time round. kinda sad how i didn't realise yesterday was the last chinese period... we had so much fun playing 'cheng yu pictionary' but i forgot to savour every moment of that. add all the stories bout army and everything and i can safely proclaim that huang lao shi is a hell of a teacher. Thanks.

mr won is up next. i've always liked his idea of how understanding is the most important in learning chem. i've always enjoyed his li'l stories and tips (3M, sitting in front during lectures) and have always thought working for innovation companies like 3M fun as a result. juz too bad i lack the determination to work without an end in sight for R&D. i felt i've learnt quite a lot under him, and as a result am skewing towards chem in my subject combination in jc. once again, thank you.

mr choo deserves major credit too. i dun really like his high rate of absenteeism in lessons (though the free periods were alwasy appreciated) but i feel that he manages to teach and explain the key concepts very well. sometimes i wonder how he manages to still teach everything even though he'd missed so many lessons. juz a li'l too bad physics answers very often require correct phrasing and choice of words in addition to understanding so sometimes it gets a little tough. but i still remember the time the few of us stayed back after sch and used the whole afternoon clarifying doubts we have over one of the other sch's papers. since coming to sec sch i've seldom felt this immense joy of learning, the thrill of gaining new knowledge and insight, so i'd like to thank him for providing juz that.

last but not least, mr yeo. i think i've said enuf bout him in my previous entries, but even though we call him kiasu, boring, etc, i like to reiterate the fact that he obviously loves teaching. can't deny the hard work he'd put in, and though i did not gain much from it, there were some of my classmates who developed a love for bio because of it. so for dunno how many times i've said it, thank you.

still, there are the other teachers whom i haven't been in contact enuf to warrant a paragraph. ms tham for making cme kinda fun (too bad i couldn't top it), and i'd prob never forget to lead a meaningful and enriching lifestyle because of cme. the sec 1 and two teachers as well... mrs raj, mrs seah, mr ong, ms tan (i still remember her even though she's only thought us science for not very long. then i was science rep and she did give me quite some encouraging words), ms shergill (sp) (ogles ;P), gavin lee, mrs tobias... i know i've prob missed out quite some teachers, so thanks to them as well for making an impact on me. heck, juz cos i should not be biased and everything i'd even thank lao zhang and tan gim hua.

So as if i haven't said that enuf, THANK YOU, TEACHERS! i've been blessed to be under some really gd and dedicated teachers since primary sch, but i can't do anything to really acknowledge their efforts. so seeing how noble these teachers are, i think i should really not be a teacher. it's gd paying and it's stable but it's totally against my principles and whoever's under me will suffer big time... i wonder...

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