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Saturday, October 30, 2004


Sick and not working hard enough

Sigh... i'm so terribly disappointed with myself that i can't concentrate at this important juncture. sure, everyone's saying that, but 30min today? bah! i can't believe i'm still not giving this exam enuf efforts... sure, the place was really noisy today, and i felt sick... bad luck, what with mild fever, mild sore throat and mild rashes that make u wonder if they're gonna get full blown the next day. i'd try to fight it off, but i'm wasting too much time. and still, 30min is way, way too li'l. i'd never finish enuf ss, i'd never do the eng stuff i wanted to do to improve and who knows, with this slack attitude i might juz go off form for the maths... hope this dressing down of myself can motivate me. i dun have much time left.

i guess my blog's turning really boring with the talk bout exams but i need to do everything i can to inspire myself for it. i need this to vent out my frustrations, tell myself to work hard... i'd be over soon... less than 3 weeks more... i wanna persevere... I WILL SURVIVE! (daphne khoo style?) I WILL EXCEL!

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