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Saturday, October 02, 2004


Saturday morning blues

I hate going to sch on saturdays... always end up listless and not learning much. pple dun care enough for slow risers it seems. while i have no trouble getting up on time and avoid being late, i almost always suffer from the early morning blues, so pardon me if i seem aloof and unfriendly early in the morning (not that i'm very friendly, but u get wat i mean). during the weekdays, there's the flag raising ceremony to 'wake' me up, but during saturdays i'd juz be in my state of semi-consciousness the whole day.

today, mr yeo tried to use reverse psychology to motivate us. personally, it didn't work one bit. for me, reverse psychology will only work if it's used by a total stranger or a person i truly respect cos i'd want to prove that person wrong in the former case or work hard for the person in the latter case. sadly, mr yeo doesn't fall into either category. in the end, i m now increasingly disillusioned and disenchanted by this subject called biology. i've been pondering whether to start bio revision for quite some time, but it seems like i'm juz letting the days slide by without doing anything. guess i'd juz give up bio...

after that, had a short chat with mr won with eric, lik khian, aaron, terence and lymon. he talked to us bout life after secondary school and encouraged us to pursue our passion over job security. also talked bout some chem stuff here and there and what he expects will come out for the o levels. actually i respect mr won quite a lot. i've learned quite a lot from his lessons, and i thoroughly agree with his view that understanding is the most important thing when studying. i also remember how he says to sit in the front during lectures to absorb more and some of the stories he shared with the class now and then bout being successful. my only gripe bout his teaching is how he revises with the class (he even admitted he didn't know how to revise with us) but that's not the point.

so, the big question now for me is what i wanna do when i grow up. earlier on, my dream was to get into computer science and become a programmer, but job prospects are at an all time low now and it's juz too risky to take that subject. on the other hand, there's this very safe job of being a teacher. the pay is gd, and the chances of losing ur job is close to zero. however, being a teacher will be against my principles... i know i dun have that passion to teach, and i know that i will never be a gd teacher, so i would be letting many pple down if i take that up. than i thought bout being an accountant, but am kinda worried it will turn out to be boring and repetitive. i also feel that r&d in the chemistry field (3M?) will be fun, but r&d involves working without an end in sight and i know i'd probably give up before i get things done. my father say that engineering might be a viable obtion, but then again i know too li'l bout engineering to make a decision.

i think i will definitely need to draw that fine line between job security and passion, but i juz dunno where this line will be. i'm definitely taking double maths come jc, but whether it'd be computer studies, physics or chemistry for the remaining two 'slots' will bank on what i wanna do when i grow up. i still have no inkling of my ambition, juz like how i still dunno which jc i'm aiming 4... i'm taking things a step at a time now, but i know i'd have to make a decision eventually. so juz what will it be?

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