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Monday, October 18, 2004


Random laments

wrl has started chasing pple out... boo... now gotta study at mac. actually, i can't wait for the o levels to come. so i haven't completed my revision, but i dun want to have the time to panic. i'm sticking to my 4h rule, but it seems too li'l. at this rate, i'm only gonna complete bout 3 full papers and that dun seem enuf. others seem like they can study for so long without losing their concentration or determination...

at least i'm really concentrating during the time i study. sometimes i wonder how i managed to really block out all other thoughts while studying and i'm amazed. i used to not do hw, but i've changed. it took me half a yr to really gain that momentum, so i can't help but wonder how i'd be like in jc. or will i add to my 'nerdiness' by actually revising my stuff be4 there's something due. i wonder...

i think it's time to stop doing those papers. i need some of them be4 the specific exams and my humanities is lacking way behind. i ought to be doing those qns now but i think i've forgotten most of the stuff already.

but enuf of exams. i can't wait 4 the chalets and that's prob the only thing i'm looking forward to. i wanna do this, i wanna do that... dun thnk i'm going anywhere and i'm making no point, so will end of now....

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