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Tuesday, October 26, 2004



I'm drained, both physically and psychologically... i've not been studying much, but i dun think my body can withstand the stress i've put myself under. thinking bout the coming exams, thinking about graduation, trying my best to study, trying my best to make every moment count... recently i've been finding myself lethargic for most parts of the day and unable to concentrate. at least sleeping early yesterday meant i was able to concentrate during the phys prac, but i couldn't do much during the time after it. i'm tired, but for some reason can't get myself to sleep... i juz wanna lie down in my bed for the whole day not doing anything.

wonder if this slack will come back to haunt me when the results are out. i've totally broken my '4h rule' for a wk now, and dun see how i can get back to studying so long. i can't seem to get any momentum going into the exams. i've originally said i have wanted do lots of compos to improve my writing skills, but have yet to write one at all. i have wanted to do 7 ss seq a wk some time back, and again i've still yet to start the first one.

huang lao shi told me during a chat with him today that the teachers have taught all that is to be taught and we'd prob learnt all that is to be learnt too. as long as we dun let previous exams affect our preperation for the next we should do ok. so i'm hoping earnestly that this lack of last minute 'scrimmages' won't matter so much. someone bless us all...

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