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Saturday, October 16, 2004



second day of the jc tours, but it was rather ho-hum... as if we ain't tired enuf walking and running for tj from bedok mrt, my error made us wander along bk timah road and dunearn road for 15 min again. in the end, we were all sweating profusely at nj. nth special there which impressed me, but maybe it's juz cos tj's atmosphere was so gd. so i guess nj's off my list as well together with ny.

after that, we went to aj. as commented by so many pple, it was indeed the boring sch. again, i wasn't too impressed. still, it's the closest respectable jc but aj have no doubt dropped down a few places on my list after originally seeming like my first choice. hmmm...

last was vj. we took 76 following lik khian's suggestion but ended up taking so, so long that we reached vj at 3+ even though their open house ended at 3. maybe i should take that into account for my 'appraisal' but i'm certainly not impressed. it did not look like the 'hip' jc which it was made out to be. and i'm not very happy when no one offered to willingly guide us or tell us bout the jc during our whole 20min there. at ny there were these group of girls after 15min which offered to answer any qns we had, at tj someone offered to be a guide only a short while after the principal's speech was done, nj provided guided tours and the guide was alrite and someone eventually offered to be a guide at aj after 10min of roaming aimlessly. i muz contend that most of the pple were in the mass dance but i'm still surprised none of the pple packing up or juz loitering around talked to us and tried to make us feel at ease. at least the pple at the gate were a li'l better but i'm not gonna travel so far for an average jc spirit. of course, it might be unfair to them to base my opinion on one day, but if u can't entice me during ur open house (even if the time is up), i dun feel inclined to join it.

so tj should be my choice now. at least the travel time is about the same as going to zhonghua cos of the bus to bedok from woodlands. I think anyone who went there must have felt that spirit in there. i'm very impressed by it and i wanna be in this kind of atmosphere 4 my next two yrs. now it's bout convincing other pple to go there. so far it seems like ash and lymon r interested and maybe lik khian while we still need to convince terence (blame him 4 not coming with us to tj). i dun think we can explain the experience to those who did not go there but i hope to see more pple going there so it doesn't feel so foreign... hmmm...

and i felt kinda bad today. after aj, candy and weiteng called ash and wanted to join our group in going vj. on one hand, we took a long route there and caused them to miss the open house. on the other hand, the grp of guys were walking so fast ahead of them that it felt like they weren't even there. i felt really bad leaving someone alone when we'd agreed to let them tag along. maybe it's cos i'm the 'tour guide' this time round and i wanted to accomodate everyone but i feel guilty leaving pple out....

finally, the most impossible, scary and unfathomable thing happened juz now. hongyi called me! hongyi! i think he might juz be the last guy i'd expect picking up the phone. i did call him once be4 when someone wanted me to pass a msg to him, but still it's feels creepy and freaky to find a call from him. seems like he's interested in tj as well, asking me bout how to get there. so pple are interested in tj which is gd. i'm still feeling so weird... i think i fear hongyi sometimes cos he's so quiet and thinking all the time.

on anothre note, after vj, i had a long, long chat with lymon and terence. i found it very satisfying and enjoyable, but terence seem to be weighed down too much by the o lvls. and they stirred my emotions so much that i almost cried. we were talking and talking and suddenly when we stopped i felt something really stirring in my chest. it felt like tears were gonna come out, really. think that's the closest i've been to crying since primary 5... cos of that, i think i'd be very emotional during graduation. i originally thought that i'd juz feel a li'l sad during graduation but nothing more, but now i truly care bout those around me. i dun wanna leave... hope we can all go to the same jc...

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