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Thursday, October 21, 2004



Chem practical today, and wasn't gd at all. titration was alrite, but was super careless in the planning and naming of m, followed by a horror qa... nvm, it's over already so i shouldn't talk bout it. juz have to do better in the written papers and hope for the best.

nth much today, so i think i'd make it short. i have been talking too much on graduation and how i'm sacrificing too much studying time juz to be with friends... i'm drawing a blank right now... belief in urself can only bring u so far be4 u start getting complacent, and i'm not gonna let it happen to me.

also been thinking of wat cca to join when i get to jc. swimming seems outta the qn now considering how much training is involved. and while i should be able to climb if i join CO, will i be willing to put in that effort? on one hand, i miss playing chinese music but what if joining CO mean i would lose my love for the yangqin again? what if it all ends up like last time. moreover, the yangqin's play more of a minor role in a full orchestra (sure, it's very important in keeping the beat for the whole orchestra, but the dizi and erhu are generally given the lead tunes)... decisions, decisions, decisions... or maybe i'd end up joining a cca with li'l committment needed (library?). we're always faced with these crossroads, and i can't help but ponder upon how things might turn out.

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