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Friday, October 01, 2004


The blotched attempt to keep an entry free from depressing thoughts

Juz realised that my blog seem to be totally feeled with down, depressing stuff... i'm a pessimist, sure, but still, these entries sometimes make me feel like i'm suicidal or something, which i can attest i m not. my theory for this is cos sad, depressing stuff is so much easier to express than happiness. happiness is often juz a fleeting emotion, gone right after it'd juz set in. it's sweet, but it never stays long enough for me sit in front of my pc and blog bout it.

But in an attempt to change that, i shall try make this entry free of anything dour and depressing... ms ten came back today, and was immensely funny, immediately picking on eric again. on one hand, it probably means more work to do under her but it's great to have her back regardless. i still wonder how she can make her teaching so boring because she obviously has the sarcasm and ability to twist words to be really, really funny. i haven't laughed so hard for quite some time...

later in the day went to ps with eric, ash and lik khian but nth noteworthy happened. the only thing left i might wanna touch on is trying to decide on a jc, but that would turn out to be too depressing i guess.

in the end, looks like i absolutely cannot write happy entries. maybe i juz lack the ability to enthuse bout things, or perhaps i'm juz too boring a person to begin with...

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