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Thursday, October 28, 2004


Bio Practical

i can't believe i am saying this, but bio prac was fun! i got my fair share of mistakes, but somehow bio practical exams always give u the opportunity to be 'creative'...

for the prelims, there was the tasting and eating of the solutions and specimens to determine the sugar concentration of them. and since two of the solutions were tasteless, i proceeded with a osmosis experiment, putting the same length of the pod we were supposed to draw into the solutions and seeing which one expanded more. thanks to that (and not to my colours in benedict's test) i managed to get the answers... fun...

this time, it's more of the experimenting. too bad the urine inside the specimens meant that i didn't dare taste, and the solutions all reek of a chemical smell. but this time, my own experiment caused a mistake. i did the protein test on my own saliva and it turned out negative so the yellow liquid was my saliva instead... it's a trick qn, i try to assure myself... lol... anyway, the free 6 points for the positive/negative thing should cover that error i hope. then my prawn drawing actually looked like a prawn! so pleased with that. maybe this practical can produce the spark needed to ignite a liking for bio. juz too bad the teacher was staring at me after i started spitting into the beaker that i dare not cook my prawn and eat... lik khian and doug's prawns look so delicious... I juz can't stop grinnning today

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