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Friday, October 22, 2004


And the tears start flowing...

i cried... lol... my thoughts r so jumbled up now, with so many things going through my mind, so many things i wanna write bout, so many things i dun wanna forget, so many things i want to relive...

when the grad day ceremony was over, i thought i'd survived it, thought at least today won't be that sad after all. however, ms chan came into class, gave us some really touching words and broke down herself. and when i thought bout what she said and recalled all those memories of zhss, i can't help but feel that scrunch in my heart. still going strong at least, but junio breaking down totally did it 4 me. i admire him a lot, and want to sincerely thank him for all the things he'd done for the class. juz too bad i dun talk much with him cos of a lack of common topic, but he's a great, great monitor for 4e1. so the tears came...

so that's how crying feels like... the warm feeling in the eyes, water being squeezed out of ur eyes... i thought i'd never cry again after primary 5 then, but these friends i've got to know in this four yrs are worth crying for. sure, we can meet up and everything, but it'd never be the same. we'd never be in the same classroom together, standing up, greeting the teacher, learning and everything... i dun wanna move on, i want to stay with the class...

pple soon started streaming out, and as much as i tried to say gdbye to everyone i couldn't. still, i didn't want to leave... i wanted to be the last to leave the classroom. well, junio and tricia's determination (the two of them were super suay juz now man... handphone confiscated by ms loo after grad...) and my bladder...

i looked back at my pri sch photo, and as much as i miss our old days sometimes, i can only remember a few of them. i dun want that to happen this time round. i dun wanna forget terence, our fave sing idol and the funniest guy on earth. i dun wanna forget ash, always up to tricks but still a gd fren nonetheless. i dun wanna forget jun liang, lymon, lik khian, eric, sook lee, emmalyn, avril, william, yizhin, zhi liang, ms chan, huang lao shi, ms tan, mr won, mr choo, ms ten, hongyi, hui shan, sharon, aaron, vinnie izyana, jian hao, yanda and so, so, so, so, so, so many more pple... (sorry to those pple's whose names were omitted, i still luv u anyway). all those memories we'd forged together, all those times together... i;m gonna treasure this bond of ours. heck, if nobody will be willing to take the initiative to organise a class gathering or some sort next year and the year after next and after and after, i'm gonna do it. i dun want to lose this bond with these pple. ms chan says that those bond will always be there, but i dun want to have the bonds weakened until we no longer know each other much at all...

and i'm gonna treasure the jig-saw and scrabble rack with my life. i wanna keep the jig-saw in my wallet, always close to me reminding me of the memories but i dun want to risk ever losing it. if somehow i still do, i'm gonna kill myself or something like that. I LUV 4E1. I LUV EX-2E7 PPLE...

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