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Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Start of prelims

looks like it'd be some time since i last blogged... prelims, so really nth to say... it's juz studying, exam and some horrible slacking so unless i want to blog bout how boring oh exams went (my blog's boring enuf already without it) i have nth else to talk bout.

but well, since i'm here let's juz talk bout the prelims. surprisingly, it didn't feel that 'important' even though it really is and i m guilty of slacking a whole lot. but at least i've worked hard earlier on, so hope all goes well. english was horrible, but for everybody as well. guess they have to moderate and i hope i'd get a decent enuf mark (b3? a2?) after that. hope it won't slip under that

then there's ss. i started revisions really early, but till the crucial last one or two days i really slacked. but in the end, told myself to believe in my hard work and after the exam, it felt quite gd actually. it was tough, but i have high hopes for it.

then there's a maths, which i've put in a super lot of effort (tys almost done!) it went alrite, and so far i've only found that i've got one part of the question wrong. really hope to ace both my maths...

so bio tml, the subject i've given up on. haven't even finish reading the txtbk, so dun expect to get too high. but after reading through some parts, bio doesn't seem so bad after all. really, if only somehow i didn't get this feeling of detest for bio, i might actually have studied quite hard and consequently b better prepared. i kinda feel sad. mr yeo isn't that bd actually... u can see he has a passion for teaching and he tries his best for us, but at the end of the day, i guess it juz doesn't cut. i juz dun like the way we r made to study bio, so this will be the result. maybe i can find more motivation be4 prelims and study hard for it...

so hope's the word again. after the 1 wk 'holiday' hopefully it'd be more of confidence and preparedness. may all go well!

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