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Thursday, September 09, 2004


Revamp soon?

I dunno, but this blog is turning out to be more than what i thought it would be. it's becoming a gd way to express myself sometimes, so if this continues, i'm defnitely not gonner stick with blogger. maybe some time soon i might create my own script or maybe juz use a cms... at least it's much more customisable than this here.

again, catching up on other pple's blogs again, and sometimes they do provide some inspiration for myself. so, even though prob no one will ever read this, i'd juz keep this public so that maybe one day some1 might stumble over it and find something out of it. it's not exactly well worded like some blogs, not humourous like others and dun really shed much bout my physical life, but still, it's something by yours truly.

so, guess it's back to rants and laments and more trivial things so that i can update more frequently. as usual, library today but can't seem to concentrate, leaving after juz 3 hours. starting to get off the pace from my plan, and i think my phy and chem revision will really be affected. still, juz to try reassure myself, i hope that i'd do well enuf cos i have been relatively attentive in classes, picking up things quite well and have did a decent number of other school's papers. hopefully that, coupled with a li'l more studying and browsing through of the tys-es are enuf.

apart from that, it's game recommendation time again. this time, it's Shining Force: Ressurection of the Dark Dragon for the GBA. juz completed it (i've actually gamed more during this exam period) and it's a great strategy rpg for those who dig this genre. sure, tactics ogre, ffta and fire emblem might beat it in terms of depth, and it is on the easy side, but still it manages to engage and that can only be good.

now going on to mario golf, which is gd but a li'l disappinting if u ask me. haven't completed it yet so can't give a verdict for now but still, it's one of the best golf games around. also started playing cm again, and on i go from year 2030+... let's see how many years this will drag on to. it's juz such a wonderful game, cm, and somehow u feel as if u're the manager really. maybe i'm juz too dreamy and have a great imagination but u'd be surprised at how much i talk to myself and 'hallucinate' while playing it. it's juz such a great game... my fave.

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