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Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Prom night

Lots to express this time round, so bear with me if i get a li'l long winded.

first off, today was horrible. this is actually one of those rare days which happen less than once a year where i actually felt gd bout going back to sch (at least i'm not the only one who juz want to end the torturous hopes, anticipation and prayers 4 the prelims), but turned out everything became an anticlimax.

NE quiz was fun, but took away one/two periods which could have been used to give out papers. then ms tan was only willing to give us a maths paper 1 and heightened the tension by saying we did horrible in paper 2. we did poorly, but what's the prob with not giving us our papers? then mr won wasn't in sch today, ms chan did her usual nagging, but this time on labelling our answers instead of what we wrote. so in the end, we have no idea how we did 4 humanities. at least tobias gave back eng compre and summary, but the compo and guided is less than halfway done which means more waiting. next mr choo decided not to come to class at all, be4 ms tan continued giving us more stress by proclaiming herself stressed by our performance without showing us how poor it was.

so, at the end, we were left with juz a few half papers given out and spent most of the day juz talking and talking until our mouths became strained. i used to luv free periods, but sadly, not this time round. mayb it might give me a few more days of feeling better, but i dun really like this kind of feeling. juz let us get done and over with it pls.

also, have to do those humanities qns i did not attempt this week. sigh... i juz dun feel like writing so soon after the prelims. i understand we need practice, but well...

next on my list of rants is prom night. i understand that some enthusiastic pple have put in a lot of effort into making this a reality, but i have to say i'm against it. i know it will probably agitate quite a lot of pple, but i'm gonna be one of those who would not be going. 300 sure seem a bit ambitious, but still gd luck 4 them in reaching the target.

but i juz hope that they will try understand pple like me. social activities r juz not my cup of tea. i've always dreaded and shunned camps, parties and bbqs, and with prom night seemingly like a lethal combination of the three, i really dun see myself enjoying it if i attend. sure, some pple say things go well if u're there and u can juz b there with ur frens with the food, but they told me that for camps, etc as well, and i have never enjoyed any one of them. 4 every few people who enjoy themselves thoroughly in that day, i envision one person being left out of the fun, sitting there all lonely by himself/herself, with all the action around reminding him/her how pathetic he/she is. i m bad off enuf without this reminder. and fun is subjective, so not everyone enjoys the same thing. sadly for me perhaps, i dun dig stuff like prom night. if u like it, then by all means i wish u a happy experience but pls dun make it sound like an obligation for me to attend an event which i feel does not really entertain me.

call me a failure, some1 who dun want to improve, a geek, dork, nerd or watever, but that's the way i m. and even though i said i want to conform, i m naturally stubborn and want to stick by what i feel, which is that this event isn't for me. mayb i'm wrong, but i kinda feel some of the girls' impression of prom night seem skewed. somehow i get that feeling that their idea stemmed from some teenage romance novel where u have this incredibly romantic ballroom dance at the end, etc, but i can safely say that those scenes will not happen in a place like singapore. we're juz not open enuf. ok, mayb they dun have this impression, but that's the idea some of them give me. i would luv to enjoy wat the 'mainstream' enjoy too, but that's not me and u shouldn't expect me to change.

and the price is a li'l expensive, but that's the least of my concerns. if somehow i can get interested in the prom night, i wouldn't mind spending that amount on it. it'd be worth it i guess 4 those who attend.

also, how do u have a prom night without cocktail? it's alcoholic, but the cocktail hotels serve r so dilute that no one would prob get drunk even if cocktail filled their whole digestive system right up to the oesophagus (gross exaggeration, but they r that dilute). if hotels overseas can willingly provide cocktail as a welcome drink to their guests (and i enjoyed helping myself to three or four glasses each time, greedy as i may b and as kiasu as i might look), how can they leave cocktail out of a prom night. who knows, if they provide that, i might juz be willing to go there 4 it. it's dilute, but it's still fine alcohol (white wine still beats it, but how often do i get to drink that?).

everything aside, i juz hope that those pple enthusiastic bout this prom night will b spare a li'l thought 4 pple like me. i'm sure they want it to be successful, they want the ballroom to be bustling with activity juz 4 the atmosphere, but even if we do really go there no one would notice. the overall effect is nice, but pls dun sacrifice the welfare of us juz to get that atmosphere. it's incredibly sad that these social wrecks like me occur in the world, but it'd be a task of astronimical proportions to change that fact. nevertheless, i'm wishing those who attend all the best and may that night be the night of their lives. dun bother with us coz it'd juz dampen ur spirit.

actually, my idea of a gathering would juz b a simpler event in a cafe/restaurant where frens juz sit around and talk our hearts out 4 that few hours. i feel it's more worthwhile coz interaction is heightened cos of the smaller group and lack of that grand occasion, so i hope we'd have that spirit and frenship to maybe someday organise such a thing. it'd be nice to meet up with old frens every now and there, and i certainly wish that the release of the o level results will not b our last time together. as much as i lament bout not finding a true fren and such, my classmates through the yrs have been gd, no, great pple, and i dun wanna break our bond so simply.

i still got more to say, what bout expository writing, ambidexterity (in the literal sense) and being unconventional, but i think i've blogged enuf for today. way, way more than enuf. mayb i'd fill up on them some other day when i feel the urge.

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