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Monday, September 27, 2004


Prelim results

Most results out, and i'm over the moon regarding them. very happy with my performance, so hoping my english can deliver that 'coup de grace'. dun think so though cos i thought my compo and guided was ho-hum and unspectacular at best. still, i've worked hard 4 the entire thing and i'm more than satisfied with the results. a li'l disappointed with chinese cos i put in quite some more effort than others but didn't go so well, but i shouldn't ask 4 anything more.

mr yeo seem to be getting all stressed up nowadays, so bad that i'm actually feeling a bit guilty of neglecting and giving up my bio. he is concerned bout us and our poor performance in the bio prelims, and its still very sad the situation his son is in. but i feel that he might be a li'l too worried (bout our results, btw). he should have been satisfied juz moderating all our marks instead of trying to find ways to give us more points. sure, it might seem like undeserved results if they r moderated, but the paper was way too tough anyway. definitely not anywhere close o level standards. and i think his expectations of the cambridge markers r too high. i dun think they will mark so strictly and be so much on the lookout for outstanding essays. u get the point and they'd promptly give u the mark i think. juz look at mr won's attitude towards cambridge markers and u can see how lenient he think they r...

so that's enuf bout exams 4 now (and i seem to have dedicate an entry too many to bio). still got so much backlog left to do now. haven't completed the ss/geog actually due today, still got the maths june papers and i'm slacking up on my chem tys... grr... now hoping the return of all the prelim marks will be the catalyst for the final sprint. i know how much this blog's turning out to be exams and studies and such, but that's my life i guess...

(Here's hoping all my friends do well and go to the jc of their choice so that i can play the role of the conformist...)

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