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Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Plan B

So sad my original plan for bio practical was botched. was hoping for a 'standard' pratical paper (draw a 'standard' food, do food tests on it, etc) and i'd make my point by not touching the specimens andnot doing any experiments, and juz filling up the spaces with all the 'model answers'. i've always detested bio practical (you should never call the things we do in it experiments) and this time, i've really studied for it hoping that i can use the exam platform to show my stand. juz too bad they came up with sth different.

and as if i dun know that, it seems like the way i learn and go about doing things r so much different from other pple. my study method of linking concepts here and there, making my own notes, drawing mindmaps, etc r already kinda weird and sometimes the way i tackle maths question can be very much different from others. but i'm a li'l surprised no one tasted the three solutions or ate the apple and potato juz to confirm their results... and to differentiate between solutions 1 and 3, i even tore up 2cm3 of the pods in the other part of the experiment and put them into the two solutions to see which one expanded more. so sad both expanded almost equally. mayb that's juz the way i work...

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