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Saturday, September 11, 2004


Exam skills...

these things always happen, don't they? after losing 2 amaths tys, 2 amaths textbook, one emaths txt, an emaths tys, a bio txt and 2 chem tys, i lost my physics tys, juz 2 days be4 the physics prelims. hmm... bad omen? wondering whether i should buy a new one juz to study tml.

and talking bout physics, the questions always seem so tough because of their phrasing. the same question can have multiple possible answers, so which is the one the teachers want this time? for example, they will ask why a person cannot hear an echo when he claps in front of a wall. sometimes the correct answer is because he is clapping at such a timing that a clap coincides with the echo, hence no echo can be heard while reverberation is the answer in other situations... how to answer? so as a result, the best exam skill is to be kiasu and juz spew out everything u know related to the question, but they never give enough space. izit my fault i have this mammoth handwriting? why can't they juz be a li'l more direct

now on big handwriting, it seems like all the subjects seem to be out against pple like me.

first, they never provide enough writing paper during exams (i must have been the only one during mid yr exams to ask 4 extra foolscap for every single exam using it)

next, emaths never give you enough space during paper 1, and still expect you to show all your workings clearly. as a result, i always have to either skip some steps (which results in marks deducted) or have arrows pointing here and there (which also results in marks deducted because of untidiness)... grr...

and bio practical is even worse... how do you make a LARGE, labelled diagram in the space provided when they give you less than half the page. my labels can't even fit nicely enough on the sides, much less the pictures. and to think mr yeo actually thought i was playing a fool with my huge drawing during our first drawing assignment on the villi.

izit my fault that i like my things BIG? (forget i said that, dun wanna have a BIG gf... 'P)

hmmm, these so called exam skills... papers like eng compo, and humanities is bout writing the most you can during the time given, but others like the maths and sciences are more bout being the most kiasu guy and spewing out everything. sure, orgainisation skills, etc is a bonus but u dun get no marks if u dun have the points the teacher want...

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