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Friday, September 10, 2004


Bored to the core...

Really sian, so decided to pop over yet again.
already studied 5h today, so more than enuf 4 me, played juz bout every game i felt like playing, caught up with my animes, visited basically all the websites i know, and here i m, having nth to do, nth to expect and juz going bout everyday mindlessly.

maybe i'd let my thoughts juz ramble a li'l bit, but today's not the day for philosophies, reflections and such... hmmm...

juz completed mario golf (wasn't that fast), so as usual, my game recommendation... i juz bout got it earlier on, a li'l too easy, but easily one of the best golf games around (and definitely the best for the gba). nothing to really praise bout it though, so guess it didn't do so well 4 me. now that's 60 bucks down in a week... gotta stop gaming so fervently...

let's continue with my rants... lma manager coming to pc on october, so that's a game to look out for, though i'd like to see how it'd fare with football manager 2005 coming up as well... i think i might have lost bout a year playing cm from cm3 onwards, so it'd take a great game to beat those guys from sigames...

ah, enuf for today, since i'm going nowhere again... maybe i'd juz read through my geog txtbk and try to sleep... if only they taped ms chan or mr yeo's lesson to go along with it. the perfect cure for insomnia...

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