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Saturday, September 25, 2004


Biology, ambidexterity

Now to fill in on what i've wanted to blog bout the past few days.

first, biology. got back some of the papers, and while i'm happy that i'd probably pass, mr yeo's comments and how he said he's gonna prepare 4 the o levels with us make me detest bio again. he has passion in teaching and treats our class well, but so often a time i feel that he set his priorities wrong. the paper was set in such a non-standard way that the 'o's will not come within a mile of it, but that's all right since he didn't set it. however, he felt that what we're lacking is practice on the tys, but while that's true, his target of 5 completions of the tys is juz not practical. i can only envision bout 1 or 2 pple mayb finishing a quarter or it, so 5 times? he think we only study bio? and even then, i doubt many of us can complete it five times. he might have encouraged some pple, but under him i felt disillusioned bout bio (what with telling us not to write too much and be more to the point at times but on other occasions, telling us we should write special stuff to get 'bonus marks). and remember, everything is important. in every chapter, he'd say that that chapter will definitely come out during o levels and is hence, important... so how r we supposed to categorise which is more important?

he managed to motivate a few pple to really like bio, but sadly, i'm not one of those. worse, i developed a dislike for the subject. despite him telling us bio is interesting and such, my concept on it is such that it's a memory paper (and to think that i now view humanities subjects as relatively interesting and thinking). on one hand, i dun wanna say bad things bout him cos it's evident he'd gone out of the way for us and really have a passion, but somehow i juz felt that his teaching methods were ineffective.

nonetheless, i felt sad 4 him when he told us bout his son... as bad a teacher as he is, he's still a gd person, and certainly do not deserve to see his son (u can see that he loves his son very, very much) like that. i ain't religious, so i can't pray for him, but may his son be able to recover.

next up on my agenda is ambidexterity. been reading up on that and i've come to a conclusion: i'm so weird and different cos of neurology... i'm ambidextrous. many weirdos are ambidextrous, with the more famous ones being einstein and michaelangelo cos our minds are supposedly wired differently with the neuron connection between the right and left brain different from true right or left handers. i've always thought i'm a right hander because i write with my right and even with some effort can't seem to write with my left. however, it has always intrigued me that i'm naturally left-footed and play golf and tennis with my left. and how my coach have always regarded myself as a left hander despite me proclaiming otherwise (i shoot with my right hand!) have befounded me.

however, after reading bout it, it seems like i'm definitely ambidextrous, only more inclined to my right hand. few people are truly ambidextrous with no preference for any hand watsoever, but others seem more inclined to one hand in writing while using the other for sports. it's not the case like those really great people who can write with both hands simultaneously. so that explains why i always seem to think so differently from the rest. no more wondering if my childhood is somehow deprived or something which caused me to develop like this.

and finally, wanna complain bout our '2 week study break'. they call it two week but with the need to come back for two days, but that make it sounds as though they give us so much time. we should only come back for ten days without the break, but take out 2 days of school, one day for graduation day and 3 days for practical and we're left with 4 days of true study break... 4 out of 10... less than even 50%! sometimes it makes me wonder what's inside thp's mind. a vacuum or a place infested with rodents and bugs.

it's scary thinking that o levels r so close from now, but guess it'd take some time be4 i get back to hard work. for now, i juz hope that all the results will be out asap so that my mind can be put to rest. after, that, it'd be back to business and full speed ahead!

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