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Sunday, August 01, 2004


Scrabble competition and the miserable failure who won

scrabble competition today, and our team won the consolation/merit prize for the top ten teams... sound so pathetic, consolation/merit... something like top 10 would sound so much better. moreover, it's very likely that we're in the top 5, so they really should have given more recognition to us.

on the performance, i have many different feelings. on one hand, this was above our expectations and i'm happy with what i'd achieved, what with the minimal support from our teachers and no scrabble team watsoeva. whatever we'd achieved is all by our efforts (albeit some serious slacking)... on the other hand, however, it's sheer disappointment. while lymon and aaron's more disappointed on juz missing out on the third prize, i'm more disappointed with myself, losing 3 out of 5 games... that's moer than 50% lost.

i muz give myself credit though. i'd almost single-handedly set up the team (gotta thanks terence 4 making it possible), taught everyone bout the 2 letter words, parallel play, introduced the use of word lists, started the trend of rack clearing (VALIDATE!), went to the prelimanary rounds as team captain and supposed best player, tried to motivate them that we can make it into the final, succeeded in getting into the final, evolved our game to a more advanced level with more bingos and on the day itself trying to motivate everyone that we are a force to be reckoned with and we should give off our best...

however, at the end of the day, i failed to motivate myself, was too cautious in challenging, and plainly sucked, losing the last three games. i feel like i've really disappointed my team. while aaron was really rusty at the beginning and almost lost the first game be4 losing the second game, he came back and did very well. lymon meanwhile continued to be our best player and won everything until the last game. i, on the other hand, had really a lot of trouble trying to encourage everyone after my pathetic results... sorry team, and kudos to aaron and lymon for all the credit of our unofficial top 5 ranking!

still got quite a lot to rant bout, but guess i won't do that. i wanna complain bout the attitude of my final three opponents (they really think they're that gd, eh?), lament bout noel koh's (and the whole sch's) lack of support (sure, our chances of winning is literally zero but our sheer grit got us this far into the top ten and our name will be displayed in the competition next year) and many more but think i'd juz leave everything like that.

once again, cheers to lymon and aaron for the gd work and i muz say i have to be a li'l pleased bout meeting and exceeding my expectation. however, if i had played much better, things could have been very much different. it's over, but i still can't help thinking and getting down on how i've played... may the next bunch of zhonghua scrabblers find the motivation and committment to continue our efforts. i dun want our involvement in the top ten and a force in scrabble to be juz a mere fluke.... juz if only i'd started playing scrabble last yr, we'd prob have a scrabble club and i'd be trying to mould the future of zhonghua scrabblers, not to mention the gd cca points!

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