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Sunday, August 01, 2004


Games and I

i've always been pretty long-winded, be it blogs, forums... everything, so i'd try to make this short in a bid to update more frequently...

supposed to b cross country 2day, but ended up raining, so it's called off (4 now)... i thoroughly detest running so hope it's cancelled 4 this year and not juz postponed... even if it isn't, i'd juz stick with my original plan of walking.

meanwhile, tml's the long-awaited scrabble competition. our team have slacked quite a fair bit, but i still maintain my aim of top 10... and wat's more, it's a public event at suntec! now, may all be well and our team overcome all odds to the top.

last, thing, finally started gaming marathons 4 the first time since cm in the holidays and barring that, mario and luigi bout half a yr ago. this time, it's age of wonders: shadow magic. while the class is all caught up with the horrible micromanaging rts in warcraft, i'm more a turn based guy and shadow magic really got me. once again, i do have the complains like the tutorial which isn't very well done, causing the first mission to be kinda confusing but after losing so many times in the second mission i'm finally getting the hang of it. juz too bad i dun think i'd enjoy the multiplayer after the single player bits (which definitely would take quite a while) cos i prefer playing these type of games with my buddies instead of online strangers, and i'm almost sure no one have even heard of this game, those new-age games while i am still shrouded in the whiffs of nostalgia from old, games... give me puzzles, turn-based games and pixelated graphics anytime...

well, looks like it didn't turn out short in the end, but who cares...
will prob update tml on the results of the scrabble comp unless i produce a disappointing performance and end up being all depressed... may luck be with me (though it somehow seems to elude me during competitions)

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