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Saturday, August 14, 2004


A2... Rise of the eternal sine curve... Expectations

dunno how to start, which was y i took so long to blog again even though i've got quite a lot of things happening...

there were indeed quite some things, but dun really want to talk bout them... there's eng oral, which i totally flunked in the pic and conversation (esp in the conversation)... and i was kinda proud of my reading... juz hope i'd at least do enuf to get my aim of a1 4 el...

next was chinese results. was really hoping 4 an a1, but turned out to be a 2, my most dreaded result... really disappointed, and it kinda brought me back to reality and fear for the real o lvls after that moral booster which was the o levels... gonna retake, so hope i won't get this kind of disappointing results again until after my prelims and o levels...

other than that, nth much 4 me to talk bout. there's stil that thing which i dun want to mention out in full, and thinking that it's be juz a short and passing one like many had been was really off. looks like this is turning to be really really long and until sth can somehow convince me to stop, i'd continue on with it (but still do nth) until after we graduate... so sad, my lack of guts... first there's the should i, followed by the do i dare, so in the end the big question, will i can only go one way... come on, mr kelvin soh, u gotta work harder...

i'm really working hard 4 the prelims, so hopefully at least my efforts in both maths can be rewarded and i ace both of them. geog have already done first round, and prob will go 4 another round during the one wk, so that will be quite some hard work as well and hope i'd get my results too. for ss, will go on a two wk ordeal with it so again, hope it turns out fine. phy and chem will be during the one wk... not much i can do (guess i can only start really slogging it out after the prelims) but hopefully, it's enuf 4 my a1s... bio... juz pass can lah... cl i would at least put in a li'l effort so hopefully that's enuf. and alas, the most important eng... i really gotta work harder sometime soon, so guess it's time to be more serious bout eng. hopefully, everything can go well and more and i can get my desired results. i know my target of straight 'A's and 6 is a li'l unrealistic and i can prob get in nj or tj with sth close, but i really juz wanna give it my all and see where it takes me. at the end of the day, think i'd be following my frens more. i've tried going it myself coming to zh, but this time, i dun wanna feel so left out... hopefully things will turn out as i hope and i'd be able to put in some action and 'live happily ever after'...

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