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Friday, July 16, 2004


Super Size Me

watched super size me today, and gotta say's it's a really gd movie... kinda sad, though, that i didn't manage to rope any1 to watch with me and there i was, watching it by myself... really feel so weird in the theatre with every1 else with company... sigh... when will this days end...

well, back to the movie. isn't really like a real movie being more a documentary but i thoroughly enjoyed it. really do admire the guy (now what's his name again?) for what he did and it's some motivation 4 me to stop having such an unhealthy diet... sure, i'm nowhere near obese, but my poor stamina might have sth to do with it and i certainly dun wanna get all those horrible diseases. and the humor laced right into the movie (that guy sure is a humorous guy alrite) really did make everything better. and i have to say the americans are really open (or maybe it's juz his girlfriend). to be able to talk bout sensitive things like their sex life so openly, we singaporeans sure have a long, long way to go. there r the gd points bout being conservative, but it's my hope me myself and the singapore society can learn to be much more open and less 'pai-seh'...

talking bout pai-seh, juz had an intereseting cme discussion with ms tham. well, it kinda went a li'l off track when eric started talking bout his badminton thing again (the student council thing was off track as well but i thought it was a li'l more interesting) but the talk bout why singaporeans r so apthetic is juz spot on to wat i think sometimes. i think it's etched in us, our upbringing, our society, our education system but i really do hope this will improve in the future. the e7s were the perfect example of that on a smaller scale and i really hated the lack of involvement in classes. on this note, i'd like to sincerely thank mrs chia for her year with us. i would never have dared to be more involved in class or ask more questions if not 4 that experience with her teaching. i really wanna relive those days where pple actually volunteered to do things in class. sure, we have a relatively gd atmosphere in class now with zhi liang and co behind actively involved (though most of the time only in maths), but i'd like more participation, especially with the girls.

well, back on super size me, it's time 4 me to reconsider my diet and cut down on those unhealthy food while exercising more... my guess is that i won't stick to it in the long-term, but hopefully i'd be proved wrong and it'd actually help my life

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