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Wednesday, July 14, 2004


The sine curve

it's sigh again as most things go... dunno how to phrase it, so'd juz make everything short...

first, studying costs SOOO much money... that latte, wedges, nuggets, fries, large super size drinks blah blah blah needed to keep me studying is really sucking my reserves out (not that i have any in the first place)... and to think i'm studying so early be4 prelims and the 'o's and i juz gotta wonder how many millions i'd spend be4 they'd come... guess it's a trade off between studying and money, but surely there r better ways?

and on the other note, it's that thing again... as usual, i dun really wanna talk bout it explicitly (though u'd prob know wat i mean anyway)... things juz ain't moving... they haven't even started, 4 gdness sake and pathetic ol' me dun dare to try attempt it. well, at least pathetic pple try and fail but i dun even try... but really, i've been thinking and it juz doesn't seem like it can work out. there's only a few months left before secondary school life comes to an end and even though it's juz a few mnths, i dun want to leave with awkward feelings... and more, we hardly know each other... i'd try to get get close and know each other better, sure, but given that both of us basically juz stick to their own groups, that extra step juz won't work out... guess i can say it's juz nth and things would work out juz fine in the end, i'd be lyk this 4ever if i juz wait 4 things to settle itself without putting in effort... i'm a guy, and things like these r areas i muz take initiative, so... Guess it's juz maybe next time again, but this time i'd tell myself that i'd do it if sth like this happens again in jc or watever... i juz can't afford to wait lyk this...

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