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Sunday, July 18, 2004


Photos, scrabble and Aishiteruze baby

really eventful sat, eh?
first, it was the photo-taking 4 our class mag... finally all my 'practice' of how to smile became useful and i actually gave a rather nice one imo in a few of the shots. juz curse that ashleigh pestering me throughout the taking... i was grimacing during one of them... juz hope it isn't used in the sch mag. the photos came out really nice in the end it seems. now tt's gd memories 4 me, juz as long as my hdd doesn't crash...

and after that, there was the scrabble comp. breezed through the first round (and was actually 12th seed) but after the rather scary second round (my opponent counted that she was higher while i counted otherwise) but i got through in the end. haha, terence... the first one knocked out... but i got affected by that game nonetheless, thanks to the crappy spread and had to face a rather gd opponent in the last round. maybe it's crappy tiles, maybe it's the fact that i'm juz not gd enuf, but i lost... no, got thrashed... really sad... but congrats to lymon for winning all three (though he's prob one of the 6 who won all three but didn't manage to get a prize)... aaron didn't make it either, so i'm not THAT bad, right?

anyway, kinda sad that i lost the game... sure, i didn't come into the competition with too high an expectation, but i thought that guy wasn't that good and i should have won... i'm cursing my tiles and luck, but i cannot rule out that he may be better. but watch out, jurong, i'd be taking 'training' more seriously now... i really hope to meet them in the august 1st competition at suntec and i'd make it such that i meet that guy... I'M GONNA THRASH HIM THIS TIME ROUND!

and on an ending note, another anime recommendation... Aishiteruze Baby... the start's really slow (and slow is the middle part i'm at) but it kinda make u think... Yuzuyu, Kippei, Kokoro... though the thoughts i had after seeing the plot develop 'round Kokoro was those pessimistic ones where i wonder bout the meaning of my existance and my achievements again, making 4 a rather depressed, sad time, any anime that makes you think deserves to be commended... GO KOKORO! I'm behind u!!! (Still waiting 4 the last of Midori no Hibi's manga to be translated as well to end my other anime craze of late)

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