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Thursday, May 06, 2004



well, so far so gd... no paper why i felt underprepared yet... (well, bio's still shaky but i gave up on it anyway, and geog's too tough... not really my fault)... three more subjects left... but think i've started my a maths revision too late... so many things i've forgotten and can't quite catch, but looks like there's no time left... well, at least i've kinda found some motivation back and can now study a li'l longer... only physics and chinese left after tml, so thing's looking gd... juz too bad o levels r so close...

well, and money's turning into a big, big prob. juz when i thought i've finally turned back to the green, all my money's gone again... all the lattes, nuggets, large vanilla cokes, big mac meals, wedges and zingers certainly haven't done it any gd... wonder if i can resist this life of extravagance... if only there's a condusive place to study without all this temptations...

nth much, but finally more music to listen to... ricky martin, elton john and michael learns to rock been growing old... nickelback dun sound too bad, though most of their music kinda sound similar, but pretty gd music to hype u up be4 sth... guess should stop ranting and get back to a maths... i muz do well 4 it! for my computer science!

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