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Monday, October 26, 2009


Yellowcard - How I Go

And i guess this is life

this isn't how i go

Wow. Been a while since I’ve last been here. And no prizes for guessing why I’m here this time. But yeah, other than that I did have things to blog about. Things to muse over. But have never really gotten down to penning those thoughts down. While a certain SOMEONE wants an Indian scribe I need a psychic alien following me, filtering my thoughts and penning the appropriate ones here. Maybe a name change to “Cthul1a’s Diaries” is imminent but we’d see how that goes. But yeah, no main purpose here today. No overarching theme to envelop the whole post but just random tidbits of what’s been going on both in my life and in my head (mainly in my head probably if you know me well enough).

So, ok. I probably wouldn’t have been back at this blog if I was busily living out my life. But things are, when you’ve spent god knows how long on your philosophy paper and no ideas seem to come through anymore typing a blog post doesn’t sound so tough. And this brings me nicely into what I wanna touch on first.

Recently have mused to myself how when (ok, more like IF) I talk about school to my other friends what comes out often than not are happenings in my philo lessons. These things the lecturer mentioned. This podcast/audiobook/essay I’ve been on. Granted engineering and history tidbits (my other modules) aren’t anywhere near as interesting, but dare I say this philo mod have been the most influential I’ve taken so far (ok, 5 mods as a benchmark isn’t much of a comparison, but yeah). It just ties in so nicely with a lot of things I’ve always mused and wondered about. All those random thoughts when on the train to/from wherever and on the walks back home at night. Ok, I think I’ve rambled on about this enough (and anyone who’ve had decent conversations with me at some point of time recently will prob have heard some version of this). Just as how one discussion have centered around whether justice might just be the second best option we settle for and not that big of an ideal perhaps, expecting everyone to make philosophy a way of their life is noble at best. I’m just glad I’ve been able to embrace it (or parts of it).

In other news, I guess uni life has been good so far. Ok, so no more slack life as in first few weeks but I can’t really ask for any much better. Maybe except one thing. Been arrowed to write a short article about GEP and was following a certain train of thought. Wei nian probably edged me closer to articulating what I was thinking of, and that is the idea of personal growth. And perhaps, for all the overarching goals of uni life personal growth probably encompasses everything. And while I can say without any doubt I have loved what I’ve seen of NUS so far, I can’t help but think perhaps we aren’t really growing ourselves too wholly here (but then again, neither is SMU and NTU doing that great of a job from what I gather from friends).

And I believe in terms of technical ability and knowledge NUS tops the other schools around. But sometimes I can’t help but think that some areas of myself have stagnated. Maybe even withdrawn into my own comfort zone for some of them. Life’s been good so far. But if this were to continue, can I still hang on to this contentment and satisfaction of life? I guess only time will tell. And may I wish for that bit of luck, that wisp of fate (and to new readers of the blog the fate here refers to the random distribution of probability about) to edge me over to the other side.


Are we treading down the path where we just keep feeding the insatiable animal, or will random, chance occurrences right the way?

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