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Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Random musings

realised i missed out quite a load of things in my previous post... but guess i would just mention them in topic. actually i forgot most of the topics i missed also... oh well. there's just been an urge to blog bout self confidence the "ugly girl" from this year's syc. but scrap that

things work wise seems like it's heading further and further down. but oh well. there's things to look forward to. thought quite a lot during the duty on christmas eve. it's interesting what being stuck in camp while the rest of the world is outside. the training section got half day. standby got to go an hour early. hope we can go early too on new year eve. but yeah, i was just reflecting. it's amazing how things have progressed. i'd think back to those primary and secondary school days. wow. can just laugh at the amount of teenage angst then heh...

i think i've grown stronger. i'm always pleasantly surprised when i find myself slogging through some of the horrible stuff. there's always sth to look forward to. i hope the list never gets empty. and if it does, it's time to make it filled... sunday, new year's eve... bball on sat. it'd be a smashing end to the year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Life's good

Loads to blog about, but guess my dear blog just doensn't have the fate for new entries. after months of whiling and toiling away at work and what not, have loads to mull over nowadays. long time since i have those 'blogs in the mind' while travelling around. it's nice being able to just sit back, think bout everything and mentally pen down thoughts... too bad never got around to typing them out. been planning to but all never went to plan...

loads have happened. most memorable is syc. my. like the day right after staying over i had syc-hangover. again. and even though i knew no one knew, been only there for one night. there's just so much more that could have been said and done. one whole night staying awake just ain't enough... dang. i wanted to blog so much more bout it, but oh well. leave it as it is

other things have happened too. some camp issues.. bad luck finally going away but seemed to have affected harmann now. life outlook in general. yest big 4 was nice...

life's been good to me the past month or so. enjoying things as sian and bad things (and certain people) can be at workplace. can't wait til new year's eve

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