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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Parallel lives

Parallel lives. it's an interesting concept... and i guess it's human nature to imagine what things would have been if you have taken a different path. life's not like sam and max, or any other game for that matter. you can't see the results of all the diff options you could have taken. in fact, in games i often deliberately choose the option i do not want first just so to see what happenes before loading and then going on to what i really want... but i digress

but parallel lives exist in a different dimension. or at the very least only in our imagination. though i couldn't help but see one right before my very eyes. the similarities are just conincidences i'm sure but why take the fun away from thinking that it's sth more than it actually is like i always do. and now is the time where our paths branch out.

i wonder how it'd all turn out in the end...

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